Time to Top Up the ISA

As March comes around again it is the time to start thinking about whether you need to top up your ISA to make the most of the tax free allowances that are available. Saving in an ISA is much more tax efficient than an ordinary savings plan although you should look at other factors such as if you want to get hold of the money again quickly and if you have any other debts that should be paid off first. obviously speak to your financial advisor about whether paying in to your ISA is the best move for your own circumstances.

The maximum investment in an ISA for 2012/13 is £11,280. You can invest all of this in a stocks and shares ISA or else you can put some into a cash ISA (maximum £5,640). However, you cannot put all of the money into a cash ISA.

Categories: Savings
Tags: ISA
Marian: Marian worked in pensions/finance for 12 years including gaining the Associateship of the Pensions Management Institute. She has a keen interest in finance, taxation and property and spends time reasearching and writing articles on these topics.