UK Personal Allowance 2017/18

*Update* – this was increased in the 2016 Budget to £11,500

The UK personal allowance is the amount that you are allowed to earn before you are subject to tax. You can also add on to this the personal savings allowance and the dividend allowance that could be applicable to some of your earnings.

So if you are wondering what is the UK personal allowance for the tax year 2017/18 then the figure you are looking for is £11,200.

This is an increase of £200 on the personal allowance from 2016/17 – equivalent to 1.8%.

There were previously other lower figures announced for 2017/18 (which you can still find reference to on the HMRC website which can make it confusing), but when the personal allowance was increased to £11,000 for 2016/17 this was a jump higher than had previously been announced and so figures beyond 2017 also needed to be amended.

Of course there is a small chance that this could be changed in the 2016 budget but it looks unlikely at this stage.